Don’t give up! Get your family’s tech use back on track – more intention, less mindless scrolling

Be a great model for your kid’s tech habits

Use Tech more Mindfully

Stop fighting over screen time
- Learn exactly how to stop those never-ending fights over the phone
- Rescue time that’s currently spent on not-that-fun apps
- Figure out how to talk about tech and phones with your kid
Sign up now to get started!
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(Devorah’s work) lowered my anxiety level about my daughter and social media.
— Ari, father of an 11-year-old daughter

I was feeling overwhelmed by the technology in my 6th grader’s life; my daughter was accessing online tools and social media sites I wasn’t familiar with, and I needed to provide more guidance. Now I have a framework for keeping my daughter safe and happy online.
— Michelle G.
Here’s how your Family Tech Reset will work:
Each day, for 7 days, you’ll get an email from me with simple and actionable suggestions that you can implement right away to help your family thrive in the digital age.
- You’ll learn new ways of relating to your tech devices.
- You’ll have fewer conflicts over homework.
- You’ll have more time for your goals and for fun.
- You’ll be a great tech role model for your kids.
- You’ll understand the apps and games they love better, which will help you be a better mentor.
Ultimately, you’ll be running your devices and they won’t be running you.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the screens?
You are not alone! Raising kids in the digital age is not easy and doing it after some very plugged in years is no joke.
Join us for some actionable help.
Sign up now to get started!
Enter your email address below to get tips & strategies.