Empathy is the App: Raising Thoughtful Kids in the Digital Age.



Screen Shot 2014-12-20 at 11.06.33 AMHappy new year! My TEDx is up! 2014 was an incredible year at Raising Digital Natives! I’m delighted that I got to speak with many of you in the last year. Excited to share my recent TEDx talk with you. TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, to share “ideas worth spreading.” It supports independent organizers who want to create a TED-like event in their own community. In the talk, I share insights from my research and consulting with kids, parents, and school communities.

Click here to view

In the talk, I explain that we need to get really curious about our kids’ day to day lives with technology so we can have empathy for their experiences. Further, I describe solutions that I co-created with kids in my school workshops. The kids are so creative and brilliant. Their inventions will inspire you re-examine your relationship with your devices.

Sharing this talk is a great way to introduce my ideas to your community and to start a conversation about the role of technology in all of our lives. Please comment on the Youtube site, or send me your thoughts directly.

Please share on Facebook & tweet to your smart followers.

Other updates for 2015:

? More corporate Lunch and Learn offerings for working parents!
? New School Consulting Packages. If you want more support on parent engagement, parent research, faculty professional development, digital citizenship policy consulting, on an ongoing basis, contact me. 4-12 month packages available.
? My Connecting Wisely curriculum (co-authored with Karen Jacobson) will be out in the next few weeks with Youthlight Press! See the cover below. Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 2.36.42 PM

This spring will take me to New York, Chicago, Washington DC, Indianapolis and many other communities. Please contact me at devorah@raisingdigitalnatives.com if you would like to work together!

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